Electronic Theses and Dissertation

Universitas Syiah Kuala


Tanggung jawab nasabah terhadap musnahnya benda jaminan fidusia pada akad pembiayaan murabahah uswatun hasanah 1 2 3 , azhari , m jafar abstrak dewasa ini banyak jaminan yang digunakan pada perusahaan pembiayaan maupun bank salah satu di antaranya yaitu jaminan fidusia. pada kasus ini menurut uu jaminan fidusia pasal 25 bahwasannya salah satu yang menyebabkan hapusnya perjanjian jaminan fidusia yaitu hilangnya objek jaminan fidusia. jadi apabila objek jaminan fidusia yang digunakan oleh pihak nasabah hilang atau musnah maka perjanjian jaminan fidusia antara pihak bank dan nasabah juga menghilang, untuk mengantisipasi hal ini maka pihak bank mengikatkan objek jaminan fidusia kepada pihak ketiga yaitu asuransi. di mana apabila terjadi yang tidak diinginkan terjadi seperti objek jaminan fidusia itu menghilang maka pihak ketiga atau pihak asuransi ikut terlibat terhadap pergantian objek jaminan fidusia tersebut. adapun permasalahan yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah kedudukan jaminan fidusia pada akad pembiayaan murabahah, bagaimanakah tanggung jawab nasabah terhadap musnahnya barang jaminan fidusia dalam akad pembiayaan murabahah, dan bagaimanakah penyelesaian terhadap musnahnya objek jaminan fidusia pada akad pembiayaan murabahah. jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam tesis ini adalah penelitian yuridis empiris yaitu suatu penelitian yang menekankan pada teori hukum dan aturan hukum yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang diteliti dan kemudian dihubungkan dengan kenyataan yang ada di lapangan yang dalam hal ini tanggung jawab nasabah terhadap musnahnya benda jaminan fidusia yang diikat berdasarkan akad pembiayaan murabahah. hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nasabah pemberi jaminan fidusia wajib bertanggungjawab secara penuh kepada pihak bank terhadap objek jaminan fidusia yang telah musnah sepanjang perjanjian fidusia masih berlangsung dengan harta bendanya sendiri, apabila musnahnya objek jaminan fidusia tersebut akibat dari kesengajaan atau perbuatan melawan hukum dari pemberi jaminan fidusia. perlindungan hukum bagi para pihak dalam perjanjian jaminan fidusia terhadap musnahnya jaminan fidusia adalah pihak bank berhak menuntut ganti kerugian kepada nasabah atas musnahnya benda jaminan fidusia tersebut dengan meminta nasabah mengganti benda jaminan fidusia yang musnah sesuai dengan harga objek jaminan fidusia yang musnah tersebut. disarankan agar nasabah bank yang terlibat dalam perjanjian murabahah lebih berhati-hati dalam menjaga objek jaminan fidusia yang telah dipinjam dari pihak bank karena apabila terjadi kehilangan terhadap objek jaminan fidusia akibat kelalaian nasabah, maka nasabah wajib bertanggungjawab terhadap kehilangan benda objek jaminan fidusia tersebut. disarankan agar pemerintah membuat peraturan yang lebih tegas yang dapat memberi perlindungan hukum terhadap para pihak yang terlibat dan perjanjian jaminan fidusia tersebut. kata kunci: tanggungjawab nasabah, jaminan fidusia, akad murabahah                                                         1  mahasiswa prodi magister kenotariatan fakultas hukum universitas syiah kuala  2  dr. azhari, s.h., mcl., m.a. pembimbing utama, fakultas hukum universitas syiah kuala 3  dr. m. jafar, s.h., m.hum pembimbing pendamping, fakultas hukum universitas syiah kuala.  customer responsibility for the destruction of fiduciary items in a murabahah financing contract uswatun hasanah 4 5 6 , azhari , m jafar abstract today, many guarantees are used in finance companies and banks, one of which is fiduciary security. in this case, according to article 25 of the fiduciary guarantee law that one of the causes for the abolition of the fiduciary guarantee agreement is the loss of the fiduciary guarantee object. so if the fiduciary security object used by the customer is lost or destroyed, the fiduciary guarantee agreement between the bank and the customer also disappears, to anticipate this, the bank binds the fiduciary security object to a third party, namely insurance. where if something undesirable occurs, such as the disappearance of the fiduciary security object, the third party or the insurance party is involved in the replacement of the fiduciary security object. the problems discussed in this study are what is the position of the fiduciary guarantee in the murabahah financing contract, how is the customer's responsibility for the destruction of fiduciary collateral in the murabahah financing contract, and how is the settlement of the fiduciary guarantee object in the murabahah financing contract. the type of research used in this thesis is juridical empirical research, which is a study that emphasizes legal theory and legal rules relating to the problems studied and then connected with the realities in the field, in this case the customer's responsibility for the destruction of fiduciary collateral. tied under a murabahah financing contract. the results show that the customer who provides a fiduciary guarantee is obliged to be fully responsible to the bank for the object of the fiduciary guarantee that has been destroyed as long as the fiduciary agreement is still ongoing with his own property, if the destruction of the object of the fiduciary guarantee is the result of a deliberate or unlawful act of the fiduciary guarantor. legal protection for the parties in the fiduciary guarantee agreement against the destruction of the fiduciary guarantee is that the bank has the right to demand compensation from the customer for the destruction of the fiduciary security object by asking the customer to replace the destroyed fiduciary security object in accordance with the price of the destroyed fiduciary security object. it is recommended that bank customers who are involved in the murabahah agreement be more careful in safeguarding the fiduciary collateral object that has been borrowed from the bank because if there is a loss of the fiduciary collateral object due to customer negligence, the customer must be responsible for the loss of the object of the fiduciary guarantee. it is recommended that the government make stricter regulations that can provide legal protection to the parties involved and the fiduciary guarantee agreement. keywords: customer responsibilities, fiduciary guarantee, murabahah agreement                                                         4  students of the notary masters study program, faculty of law, syiah kuala university  5  dr. azhari, s.h., mcl., m.a. principal advisor, faculty of law, syiah kuala university 6  dr. m. jafar, s.h., m.hum assistant advisor, faculty of law, syiah kuala university  vi
